Below are the most frequently asked questions.
Poniżej znajdują się najczęściej zadawane pytania.
1What to take?
We cordially invite you to the "for parents" tab, which will help you prepare your children for classes in Eskimos. If you have any questions, the helpline is open every day from 9: 00-18: 00 +48 511 456 227
2Can we go with the children to the slope?
Of course, yes, but the regulations provide for leaving the kindergarten by parents at 9:30 and not interfering in classes. Therefore, we kindly ask you to keep distance and observation from a safe distance that will not distract children, and instructors will be able to fully take care of children's safety.
3Do we have to insure a child?
Every child should be insured by a parent. We recommend buying an additional NNW insurance.
4What do children eat?
Depending on the place where the classes take place, children consume meals prepared in sterile conditions by hotel kitchens. The menu is varied, there are meals in the form of lunch. If the child just does not like the food, has the option of replacing the meal with a slice prepared with what he likes? It is not possible to serve your child with meals at the parents' request, unless the child has a diet given by a doctor. Water is served in the kindergarten at the children's request.
5Should we give children a slice or a candy bar to the backpack?
We strongly ask you not to do this. Especially if they are sweets. It's about the principle of not making other children unpleasant.
6What if the child will have to go to the toilet on the slope?
On the slope are the ladies babysitters who are dealing with such situations? The children will be dropped by the instructor to the babysitter, and the babysitter will help the kids arrange important matters.
7Can we go with the children to the slope?
Of course, yes, but the regulations provide for leaving the kindergarten by parents at 9:30 and not interfering in classes. Therefore, we kindly ask you to keep distance and observation from a safe distance that will not distract children, and instructors will be able to fully take care of children's safety.